About Me

Hello and Thank you for visiting this Page.

As some of you know my pages were moved to Tripod from my Original provider ( Simplenet.com )
due to the exorbitant price increase and reduction of Web space.  The Roy Dupuis Online Website was
on that provider for 5 years before Moving on January 1, 2000 to Tripod.

***Now for the reason of this page and it's contents.***

News as of November 24, 2003 :     I continue to be attacked by the same devious and insane individuals.   
They continue to claim i have stolen stories, images and all of my web page which is a lie.  
HTF Cotninues to keep up her defamation pages which is ILLEGAL.

News as of September 23, 2002 :  My web pages and myself continue to be attacked by these individuals who now
have claimed i have attacked RD.  Also, i have been accused of Stalking him and them.   
I declare that i am the one who is being stalked by these people who have taken
pictures of me without my permission and have posted them on the internet,  
share them in Email lists and do all they can to make my
life miserable.   but they are not suceeding.   i continue
to ignore them.   Also, a certain individual that
goes my the cybername of HTF  (hard to find.)
continues with her defamation pages.

I have been able to get her pages deleted from several servers due to her defamation and her newest
"honesty" pages are now on a server that refuses to delete the pages!  i have contacted the web
 server owner and this individual refuses to delete the pages.   

Unfortunately for her and the server, i am being forced to use the international law against them.

News as of July 30, 2002:   My attackers have resurfaced and have hacked again into my computer and website,  defaming me and causing trouble.  They have now created a webpage that has defamed my name and person at iinet.net.au
( i have been able to close 3 of her other sites about defamation.) and even when i have contacted the
web master of that server several times,  the defamation pages are still up and not only the
website owner (HTF) but also the owner of the server iinet.net .au are in serious
law suit country here!    I have contacted the international
authorities and they are taking a good look at this mess!   

News as of April 21, 2002 :  My attackers have resurfaced and have hacked again into my computer and website,  
defaming me and causing trouble. I have decided to move my website to a reliable and extensively
protected site which has confirmed that any and all hackers will be dealth severely.    

News as of February 5, 2002:  The Individual who began the lies and has caused so much trouble has retracted, explained the reasons why she lied about me and has begged forgiveness in The HHMB M.O. Forum.   (Thank you Corazon!)  
  Click to Read Message.

If message is no longer there you may read it here.

News as of Oct. 30, 2001: There have been renewed attacks on my webpages;  hacking by several individuals who
have deleted my webpages.  I have contacted Tripod about this and they have assured me that these individuals
will be punished severely.  All deleted pages are now back up and I have installed a device to track any hacking
done to ANY and ALL  of my pages.  


Also:  I have been forced to create this page due to certain individuals making alot of trouble for me by
claiming that I have stolen articles, images and stories.  


First I must say that I will NOT name these individuals due to etiquette, good manners and of course it is
unlawful to reveal any names online.   (Unlike Kadyn, SueR, Chloe and Ranma among others who did
reveal my home address, phone nbr. and email address online a couple of years ago. )  
BTW.  FYI.  I was forced to move and have a special security system installed due to
these individuals because I had several incidents and physical attacks.

*** There is a legal saying that goes like this:  The accusers are most often the most guilty.  /Or in simpler terms:
those who scream the louder have the most to lose.***

All images and articles on these pages have either been taken by me, bought and scanned by me.  
I have spent A large amount of money to obtain them, I have money order receipts, credit card
statements and check stubs that can absolutely prove my claim of ownership.

Most foreign language magazine articles have been gifted to me and translated by a wonderful friend of
mine who lives in Denmark, her name is D. B.   She has been graceful enough to translate
all articles into English for me.

All Stories on my pages have been written by me,  All stories have been inspired by RD.  
 I have admired his work since 1990 and began creating these pages on January 1, 1995.  
( yes it can be proved by simply checking my creation dates in my CPU. )

I have declined to participate in these individual's lying and slander since they began.    
Which have caused them to attack me even more violently.

MY pages have been online for longer than ANY of these individual's Websites and up until
now I had not wanted to fight with these people.

Since my pages are public I knew this type of problem could occur, but had resigned myself.

Not anymore!  I am tired of having people accuse me of stealing when they are the guilty ones!  
These individuals have slandered my name and webpages simply out of jealousy.  
My Website is extremely complete which is the reason for all their attacks and lies.

As I have stated on many occasions All Material on My Website IS Copyrighted, All LFN, Movies and
T.V. show material belongs to their respective copyright owners.

I claim and can prove the ownership and Copyright of EVERY RD Image and Story on My Website.  

EVERYTHING on my Website is legitimate and NOTHING  has been Stolen !

I beg of each and every person that visits this website  to please stop your harassment,  I will not take my
pages down to please anyone.  these pages were created years before
you ever heard about Roy Dupuis and his work.

These pages are my pride and joy, I have spent years on them and will Never allow anyone to force me to comply with their wishes!


*** I often have been accused of being obsessed;  I am an admirer, I have not in any way, shape
or form harassed RD or any other actor or entertainer.  It sickens me that I can be accused
of so many things without proof. ***

I am sorry for having to add this page but it is time that these individuals got a life and stopped lying
and accusing me of anything they desire.  

I may not have any choice about not being able to fight back  ( since my pages are online and public. ) but I will not sit by and allow the slanderous behavior I have been accused of and seen so far.  

As The bible says:  Do unto others what ye wish to be done unto you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this page and please enjoy My website.




To Visit Ange's Personal Pages Click on Picture above.

P.S.  My sincerest thanks for the support I have received by all those people who have
emailed me or left a message in my guestbook and Message Board.  
 I thank you all for believing in me.

Copyright  1995-- 2004  By   ANGE /Roy Dupuis Online