Confesion & Appology

Author: Corazon

(1/31/02 7:39:57 am)  At the Heyn's Hussies **Michael's Office.**  MB.

Apology and Confession...........

First; Please forgive me for bringing this here, but as part of my new religion (Christianity.) and the circumstances
that i see myself in at this moment, I must make a full confession and apologize to someone for making her
life miserable by lying. I must apologize in all the places where I lied and caused her to be harmed.
(This MB being one of the many I corrupted.)

I beg that the admin. Will not delete this post. It is extremely important for my soul to find forgiveness for what I caused.
( I am dying of  3 different types of cancer and believe that they were brought on by my lies and senseless
destruction of a wonderful friend who had trusted me and i betrayed.) God has allowed me to live long
enough to repent for my sins and seek forgiveness.

Also forgive my spelling and punctuation, I grew up in the Philippines and English is difficult for me to speak and write.

To the person I harmed with my lies and jealousy; (You know who you are so there is no need to post names.)
I beg you to forgive me for all the pain and hurt I have caused. I have sent you several Emails and letters asking
for your forgiveness and they have all returned to me unopened so I do not have any other choice but beg
your forgiveness here, Where I first began my campaign of hate against you.

I want everyone who reads this message to know that this individual has NEVER done what I claimed she had.
I lied about her, what she did and what she said because I was jealous and wanted to hurt her for not keeping
her promises. I wanted her to suffer for what my own family did to me and now I understand how wrong I was.
I have caused her such sorrow that I fear God will never forgive me.

Please, if you read this; forgive me and allow my soul to rest.

Again I beg forgiveness for posting this message here, I understand it is not exactly the place to post such messages but i
must purge my soul of this sin before die. Under the circumstances, this message is a small thing to do against
all the evil I did toward this individual.

Please do not email and ask who she is, for this message is for her, so she will know I am serious when I ask her
forgiveness and tell her I have changed. I do not wish to die with such a heavy sin on my soul and hope
this message reaches her in time for me to hear from her one last time before I die. This message is also
for those who believed me and caused her such harm, I beg you to seek her forgiveness and repent
of all your sins, for God is wise and as someone said once; ***you reap what you sow.*** Sow hate and
receive hate in return. Repent and all your sins will be forgiven.

Thank you for your understanding.


***Message Copied here due to HHMB taking this message down.***   

You see......the HHMB and all those attacking me do not want to have any proof that THEY are wrong and will lie,
cheat and destroy me no matter if they are right or wrong.   but THEY will be punished.   it is the law of life.  

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